Here you will find a compilation of the frequently asked questions concerning the rental of cars and trucks. You will probably also find the answer to your question here:
Our vehicles like cars, transporters and trucks are divided into different categories. If you choose a rental car from Buchbinder, then first book a vehicle category. This is to simplify the selection on the one hand. On the other hand, several similar products can be offered on the same terms in this way. Please understand that an assurance of a certain make and feature is therefore usually not given. Due to the very different capacity utilization in the car rental industry, we can not guarantee that all vehicle models are always available everywhere. Nevertheless, at Buchbinder we give our best to meet your wishes, so you get your preferred rental car. In principle, it should be noted that vans and trucks are not available at the airport stations.
Accepted are all internationally common credit cards. For the vehicle-categories For the vehicle categories Mini, Economy and Compact, it is possible to rent it on presentation of an electronic cash card or in cash, for the other groups a credit card is required. When renting buses, transporters and trucks a cash deposit and cash payment is also possible. In the case of an accident replacement rent, we will gladly inform you about the special conditions. At our airport stations, only payment by credit card is possible. We do not accept debit cards.
All our rental cars are unlimited liability insured. So you enjoy a comprehensive insurance coverage with the vehicles of Buchbinder Rent-a-Car. Depending on the type of vehicle rented, we also offer you a reduction of the excess in the event of a hull damage. You can take out the liability reduction recommended by us directly online or directly on site when you rent.
Only the person registered in the rental contract is entitled to use the vehicle. However, if the rental car is used by several people, we charge a fee of up to 7.50 € day. This does not apply to commissioned company drivers.
The most important requirement for renting one of our vehicles is of course the possession of a driving license valid in Germany. In addition, you will need a valid ID card from an EU country (even a passport that is valid for at least one month will be accepted in conjunction with a registration certificate). We also need your means of payment: All accepted, internationally common credit cards are accepted. For the vehicle categories Economy and Compact, rental is possible upon presentation of a debit card, for the remaining groups a credit card is required. These documents ensure the smooth running of your rental. Depending on the vehicle class, a rental is possible from the age of 18, 21 or 25 years. In our vehicle selection you will find the respective minimum age.
Yes, you can use the homepage of our rental with the current versions of Apple (for example, the iPhone version 5 and 5s) and Android. These devices have integrated the Internet settings required for
For optimal presentation of our vehicles, the website was optimized for every display resolution. In order to be able to fully view our rental cars online, you need an internet browser with Javascript / style templates enabled. In addition, the installation of the Flash plug-in is recommended. If you use older browsers or browsers that are not supported by ECMA Script, Javascript and VBScript, unfortunately, our pages can not be displayed.
We therefore recommend one of the following browsers:
Internet Explorer from version 9.0
Mozilla Firefox from version 3.0
Safari from version 528
Google Chrome 4.0 or higher
Opera from version 10.0
If you have not found what you are looking for, please use the form below and write us your question. We are constantly improving this area and are looking forward to your suggestions.