
We attach great importance to SAFETY!

We support the road safety campaign "Vorsicht, Rücksicht, Umsicht" (Caution, consideration, circumspection) of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport, which draws attention to important safety issues in road traffic, clarifies facts and gives concrete tips for changes in behaviour so that participation in road traffic becomes safer. Find out more about safety-related topics and learn what the "Dutch handle" is all about. Help us make our roads a little safer for all road users! 

Safety always comes first!

Many serious accidents are caused by tiredness at the wheel and the infamous sleep of the moment. The German Road Safety Council (DVR) - in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), among others - has launched a campaign to raise awareness of this danger. Just take a look at a few important tips to ensure that you arrive safely and relaxed at your destination. Drive carefully!


Safe driving in all weather conditions!

Different weather conditions require different types of caution and preparation when driving. We will give you a number of tips and information on how to prepare yourself and your car for various weather conditions. More information can be found here.


Loading the car properly is the be-all and end-all!

You want to go on holiday and take some luggage with you? Think about exactly what you want to take with you and how best to stow it. Here you will find tips on how to load your luggage compartment correctly when you want to go on holiday.
